I have been sewing a little bit more and I really do love it. The first thing I did was to put together blocks that baby shower guests designed with waterproof markers at the shower into a quilt. I have had a stripe fabric with red, blue, yellow, green and orange on a white background for so long in my stash that worked perfectly to set these blocks together with. My sister Judy had some fabric in her stash that I used for the backing of the quilts. I hope Megan & Valerie enjoy them. It was a cute idea for a baby shower to occupy guests and to have a remembrance from that day. I hope their babies arrive soon. I am anxious meet them.
for Valerie Visser for Megan Broeckelman |
Alisha has a new baby, Isaiah, who was born February 1 and permanantly joined their family a week later. I am so happy for Alisha, Jake & Emelyn and excited to meet the little guy. I want to make a quilt for him before I do meet him and have ideas in mind but have not nailed down the right thing for him yet. It will be fun to create something for him.
Today my Great-Babies, Layne & Macie, turn three. They love to help Mommy and Aunt Lizzie cook. Liz is in culinary school and wears a chef hat as part of her school uniform. I made chef hats for the twins. It was so fun to do. I did an Internet search for sewing chef hat and found a lot of web sites with tutorials. I read several of them and then went to the sewing machine and did my thing based on what I had read.
Well, I'm off to begin creating my next sewing adventure.