Monday, May 19, 2014

Tiny Quilts Done

I am excited that I have finished another quilting project.  The two tiny quilts I put together while in Arkansas at my brother's home last fall are done.   I quilted these with monofilament thread zigzag stitch around all the fusible applique.  I am thinking of making tabs on the top of them to hang with and then attach them together by the tabs.  I can also just pin them to the wall also till I decide if I want to do the tabs or not.  Another project finished-many more to go. 

I am still embroidering on the flowers for the batik wall hanging and I have the block of the month embroidered baskets quilt top finished with sashing and borders and I am in the process of hand quilting that also.  The embroidery is easy to carry with me and the quilt is a bit harder so it seems to stay at home and is being worked on as I watch TV in the evenings.  I am glad to be working on quilt projects again.  I most likely will not get every project done on my goals list before the end of the year but at least I am trying.



I have been watering my yard lately and today while the water was running on the west side of my house, I looked out the sewing room window and saw birds.  There were 5 little American Goldfinch birds playing in the shade of the big tree in the sprinkler.  They were so cute.  There were several robins as well and one that looked mostly like a robin but its tummy was as gold as these.  I only saw it twice then it flew north over the shed.  There were also some sparrows, a couple shiny black birds and a blue jay enjoying the water.  A robin was splashing and splashing in a tiny puddle at the base of one of the trees.  I went outside to move the water further north and I love listening to all the bird sounds and songs.  One even sounded like a kur-plunk in water but I could see him high up in a tree.  I really enjoy watching nature.
