Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Essential Oil Experiment

I have been curious about the benefits of essential oils.  I have been doing some reading and found out that my niece is a doTerra essential oil dealer. I just did not know where to begin.  A week ago she took me to the spa to have my hand scanned to see what was all out of whack in my body.  There were 36 of 76 out of line-22 PB Assist, 8 White Fir, 5 (I can't remember and can't find my sheet), 1 Cleary Sage.  That is better than I thought and none of them were for obesity.  Most of it was for gut issues and some for muscle and connective tissue issues.  That makes sense since I have had diarrhea several times a day for several years (supposedly side effects to some of my medications) and I have fibromyalgia.  Today I got my order from Dana.  I got the Lifelong Vitality (that must have been my 5 number), PB Assist, Peppermint Oil, White Fir Oil, Wild Orange Oil for a total bill of $224.01. 

I began by taking the pills tonight with my evening meal.  I am supposed to take 2 pills twice a day but to start with 1 pill twice a day with meals of the Lifelong Vitality and 1 pill three times a day with meals but will start with 1 pill twice a day with meals. These are to help with the gut issues and organ cleansing.  I am to use two drops of the White Fir on each foot at bedtime for the muscle and connective tissue (fibro) issues.  I got the Wild Orange to put in my water that is to help with fluid retention, depression, and lymphatic system. I read a year or two ago about adding Wild Orange and Lemon EO to water to help drink more water and quit drinking soda pop.  I got the Peppermint Oil because it is supposed to help keep spiders, insects and mice out of your home when you mix it with water and spray around doors and windows.  After all the trouble we have had here the past six months with mice I wanted to give it a try.  I have not had mice for 2 months now and am so grateful but will try this in hopes to keep them out. 

Now I must admit I am a bit of a sceptic about this but am willing to give it a try.  My goal is to try it and journal about my experiences here.  You can quit reading now if you do not want to know some personal bodily issues.  I mentioned diarrhea.  It was so bad that every time I used the restroom I had more liquid poo than urine.  Doctors have told me it is side effects from medications.  After changing doctors I am now off several of the meds.  It has helped some. I actually have gas sometimes without worrying I am making a mess. 

I had to quit working full time because of severe stress, anxiety and panic attacks as well as uncontrolled blood pressure and blood sugar and fibromyalgia with chronic fatigue syndrome.  In the 9 years since I quit the blood pressure and blood sugar are both much better controlled.  Those are the medications I have been able to decrease.   Anxiety and depression are better most of the time.  When I get too much going on at once or I get over stimulated I have anxiety and panic issues.  I can't sleep, I dream of whatever activity I've been involved with over and over that just won't quit, I get really crabby at people and feel mad at the world.  There is so much more but I won't explain that more at this time.  When I get stressed or overdo in activity I have much more pain and fatigue from the fibro.  When I feel good I seem to do all I can and then I have over done and hurt and feel wiped out and all I can do is rest (if I am not too restless).  I feel so drained and fatigued that I feel I can hardly lift my arms and all my muscles feel like they are made of cement.  My brain does not always click.  When someone talks to me I just can't seem to put what they are telling me all together in my brain to understand.  I feel like there is a glass wall in front of me blocking the information from reaching me.  I hate the muscle aches.  I ache all the time, just more at some times.  My lower legs, ankles and feel ache all the time and my legs hurt to lay on my side with one leg on top of the other.  The knees hurt where they touch.  The aches are here, there and everywhere but not always in the same place.  There are times that shower water hurts as it hits my body, my legs feel like I have a severe sunburn, my feet feel like I have hot needles poking me and then the knife stabs and severe cramps hit.  I just want to cry and begin to feel so negative as much as I try to stay positive. At these times I try to hide in my house and not associate with others so I don't hurt them by my grumpiness.  All this only helps contribute to the depression but Zoloft helps tremendously. 

My hopes are that the essential oils may help deal with some of these issues if nothing else but to help lift my mood.  I'll keep you posted on what I think of them.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

My View

Looking out my front door
Across the corral and through the pasture
Cattle crowning the top of the hill
Spread out to eat their hay and cane.
How much better can it get?
I love living in the country
On the family farm!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Craft classes at the Oberlin City Library

The Oberlin City Library has been offering craft classes that have been so much fun to attend.  The first one I went to was Crochet Rag Rugs.  I know how to crochet very basic and this fit the bill.  You tear old sheets or clothing or fabric into strips, tie them together, then crochet with a basic single crochet.  I used a flat king size sheet that had stripes running from top to bottom in a few repeats on a white background.  I tore the sheet from side to side.  This created color splotches throughout and looks like confetti when it is crocheted.  This rug is made from just one sheet.  It is a little slick on the wood floor so I put it on the carpet in the living room in front of the TV. 

The second class I took was Pine Needle Baskets.  I got pine needles from branches Ron had trimmed around their house in Wichita.  I pulled needles from the branches and soaked them in water for a week.  Using these green pine needles and hemp twine I made this little ring/earring basket.  It sits on the shelf in the bathroom.  Now I do not have earrings scattered all over the counter.

Then I attended a class to upcycle magazine boxes.  The library had a lot o magazine boxes that they no longer use.  We took them and using craft paper, scrapbooking paper, and wallpaper to cover them.  There are so many uses for them besides keeping magazines. The green one I made holds crochet edge baby receiving blankets.  The red one is just sitting and looking pretty right now while the blue one has bottles of lotion, shower gel, scrubs, etc. sitting on my bedroom vanity table.  I also covered a couple cracker boxes with the blue paper into pretty baskets for little bottles.  It sure makes my table look more organized. 

I have learned a new skill, used a known skill in a different way and just had some good crafty fun.  I have enjoyed these classes so very much.  I look forward to more classes.  Next week I will take a calligraphy class and a crochet class.  They also have a Stampin' Up Card making class the last Friday of every month.  I have made friends with some sweet ladies that have a lot of the same interests as I do.  After the classes most of us go out for lunch together. It has been fun.  Jeannie has resigned as director of the Oberlin City Library but I (selfishly) hope that this type of activities will continue.  I wish we could do something like this at the Selden Library but I do not know people in our community to know what talent is there.  It seems hard enough to just get activities for the summer reading program.  Maybe I'll think on this for a while.
