Thursday, April 16, 2015

Essential Oil update

I am a bit of a sceptic about the value of essential oils but am willing to give it a try.  My goal here is to document what I do and the effects I see from it.  I have been taking the Live Long Vitality Supplements for around 3 weeks now.  I also took the PB Assist +.  I have also been using Lavender and White Fur oil on my feet at bedtime.  Sometimes I drink the Wild Orange oil in water.  I have also tried the Peppermint oil in water. 

I started out only taking 1 pill twice a day of the supplements and one PB Assist+ once a day and after about a week I doubled it to the recommended amounts.  The first thing I noticed was that I only pooped 2-3 times a day and it was more solid than liquid.  This is a great improvement.  But...I bloated severely and had a lot of fluid retention.  I could not wear the jeans I have been wearing and had to get out the jeans that are 2 sized larger than usual. At first the scale did not show any weight gain but then showed a 5-6 pound gain.  Several days later the scale showed my weight back down plus 1-2 pounds less that at the start. Dana had me use the peppermint on my tummy twice a day.  I only did this a couple times but the bloating improved.  I have run out of the PB Assist+, which is a probiotic.  The first thing I noticed is that the poop was 3-5 times a day and more liquid but not as bad as before starting any of this.  I am going to finish the Live Long Vitality Supplement and take the GX Assist first then follow that with another round of PB Assist+.  My understanding is the GX will work to get rid of the bad bacteria and the PB is to replace the good bacteria. 

Now let's talk about the oils.  I do not really like the scent of the Lavender but understand it is to help with calming and sleep.  The White Fir is to help with the muscle and joint discomfort.  My hopes it that it will help calm the aches from the fibromyalgia.  I do not know if it has helped that but I was in a mild flare-up when I started using it.  But I did notice that I sleep longer at a time.  Instead of waking up every 3-4 hours, going to the bathroom and getting a drink to then go back to sleep, I sleep 6-8 hours straight.  Boy, do I need to go to the bathroom when I wake up!  I have even slept 10 hours at one time a couple of nights.  If it is the Lavender or if it is from less discomfort from using the White Fir, I am not sure, but I will keep using these at bedtime.

I like the Wild Orange oil mixed with my drinking oil.  I like the flavor and can refill my glass once or twice and still have some of the flavor remaining in the glass and water.  I tried the peppermint oil in water once and liked it but it was really strong.  My mouth actually felt fresh and cool but felt a but of a burning sensation for about 30 minutes.  Either I need to put it in more water at a time or suck it up and enjoy the sting. 

I want to try the Lemon Oil in water.  I read so many benefits of drinking lemon water.  I also would like to try the Deep Blue to assist with the Fibro pain. 

That should be enough to try for now.  I'll keep you updated on how it is going.
