So much seems to be happening. It is six months since my last knee surgery. I have recovered nicely from all three surgeries. My knees are good if only I would get the rest of me in better shape (wishful thinking for the past 25 years). My knee surgery was the last day that elective surgeries were done for quit a while. Since then the world seems to have blown up (so to speak). COVID-19 Corona Virus hit the world hard. The west coast states are burning up with wildfires. The east coast & gulf areas have been hit my hurricanes. I am glad things are slowing down and I am more able to stay home on the farm.
COVID-19 Corona Virus - Businesses were closed with special precautions were taken by those open. Schools did not return after spring break and the year was finished through online classes. Temples were closed, church meetings were canceled for 4 months. We have begun shortened Sacrament meetings only here but so many places are still not having meetings at church. Once restrictions for COVID eased up some and schools opened again there has been another outbreak. Yesterday my sister, Judy, tested positive for the virus. She is quarantined for two weeks. My niece, Dana, across the road, has been exposed by a student and is half way through her quarantine. I am trying to keep myself as safe as possible and to keep my parents safe as well. We are all taking extra precautions. Some people take the virus seriously and others think it is all political but I'd rather error on the side of caution. I was supposed to sub at school the past week and am so grateful that I decided not to do that.
Wildfires - The west coast states have had many, many wildfires. We have had such beautiful sunrises, sunsets and the moon as well because of the smoke in the air. Huge looking red fireballs in the sky. Last night the half moon looked clear then a couple house later it looked red. Today the weather channel is giving special weather alerts for smoke and advising people here in Kansas to stay inside because of lower visibilities and poor air quality. I just went out and you can see the smoke hanging in the low places and the smoke smell is very strong.
Hurricanes - Hurricanes have hit the gulf coast several times in the past month. Usually we get rain in a couple weeks after that happens. I do not know of any rain expected but we will get some cooler weather again next week. After earlier storms we did get some rain and a week of cool weather but this week has been in the mid to upper 90's but the nights have been in the upper 50's. Next week is to be in the 60's and 70's with nights in the 40'sa. My kind of weather! I love fall. Some trees in the creek are beginning to change color.
This week I bought a new pretty for my yard. I have been trying to spray and pull weeds this summer as well as transplant some of the Bermuda grass to get it to spread. I have had gofers or moles tearing up the front and finally got them taken care of. I am working on cleaning out the flower beds and water the yard well. I decided it was time for something special to look nice even if the yard doesn't at this time. I bought a jeweled wind spinner and put it in the south flower bed between the two living room windows. The past three days we have not had enough breeze to make it spin or it needs to be out in the open more. I like all the bright colors on it. I most likely will need to bring it in for the winter but it may be protected enough from the north wind that I can leave it out.

Happy Fall, Y'all!