This afternoon I decided to try the recipicating saw I got at Harbor Freight last summer. I needed to cut a landscape timber to finish out the border around the flower garden around the house. I did it-all-by-myself. The saw worked really good and I had no trouble with it. I think I can do more projects that I have in mind by using this saw. I'm getting excited to do some fun projects. I may need to trim the one board depending on what I end up doing with the downspout drain. The rabbits have been eating the plastic on the drain so I may need to do something different there.

Now that the border is finished, I need to put mulch around the bush on the corner of the house. My 4-wheeler is out of gas and the gas hose on the tank is broken. The little trailer that I can pull with the 4-wheeler is in the barn full of wood Dad has cut to use for shelves. The mulch has been dumped in the big garden area across the drive. I decided to put together my dumping garden wagon I got at Christmas in Wichita at Northern Tool. I decided I'd try to put the wagon together myself instead if waiting for Dad to help me. I need to learn to do more projects myself.
I did it, twice. I read the instructions and looked at the pictures for more detail. I'd put something together then when I was ready for the next step, I'd have turn something around or upside down or backwards. I started out sitting on the porch step to work on this. The first thing that happened was I dropped a screw and washer and it was lost in the dead grass that is covering the sidewalk. I was lucky that I did find it. This happened several times. The unit was pulled one way, slid another way, turned on end, turned over, fall on me. Before I was done I was kneeling on the sidewalk, sitting on the grass in the yard, laying over the porch. I was covered with dead grass and dirt and my hands looked like I had worked in the shop. I need to work harder to not swear when something happens. I need more patience and less frustration. It is like working with my father but I do not swear as much or as bad as he does. I will have to repent tonight in my prayers. I had Dad look it over to make sure I had it done right before tightening the lock nuts. I did it right. This builds my confidence in my handyman abilities. Overall, the project went together well. Now I do not know where to store it since my garage is full. I really do not want to leave it outside in the sun, wind, rain, snow and ice.

Now that the wagon is put together, I am too tired to pick up mulch and put it in the flower bed. It is a good thing that the next few days are also supposed to be nice.
Are we having an early spring or are we being teased before another big blast of winter?
Spring is the time to try activities such as a gardening. The outdoors are very beautiful and the sunlight during the morning is something else. Enjoy this spring moment while it lasts. I have always wanted to do some work in my garage and you have reminded me something very important that is to read instructions. It makes work easier.
ReplyDeleteHelene Raymond @ Trade Squad