My health has been ok over the past year. My doctor has changed my medications so that I am only taking one name brand (expensive) drug now and has decreased the number of blood pressure and blood sugar drugs I am taking. My bp and A1c have both slowly increased and at the first of this year has put me back on low doses of one drug for each again. The fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue are managed as long as I take the medication regularly, do not over extend myself, get plenty of rest, and avoid stress. There are days, especially when in a flare or after over extending, that I just can not function. I can hardly get out of bed, have a lot of pain, my mind does not track what is going on around me, I have no focus. I try to not take anything more than OTC paid meds but there have been a few times that I needed to take the other just to try to manage the pain. I'm grateful that it is not all the time that I need the pain drugs and can deal or endure the rest of the times.
Over the past 10-11 months there has been a lot of stress around the farm with my nephew. It started in April, exploded in July and reared it's ugly head again a couple days ago. This has been very hard and stressful for me because it breaks my heart for all involved. I only see the situation getting worse before there is any improvement but I pray I am wrong about that.
I am currently in Wichita staying with my sister, Karen. I left the farm on January 13 and plan to return the first of next week. That will be 8 weeks away from home. Karen had foot surgery on Jan. 15 and today is the first day she has been able to get herself to school. I'm glad to have been in a position and able to be with her through this and help her out. I must say that I am getting a little anxious to be home again.

Yesterday was my 59th birthday. I think I should update my blog intro. Now on with my day.
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