On July 11 I had a total knee replacement on my right knee. I had this done in Wichita by Dr. Thomas Sanders with Advanced Orthopedic Associates. You know you are getting old when your doctor looks the age of Doogie Howser. I loved the care I received at the Kansas Surgery & Recovery Center.
I actually do not remember as much of this surgery day as I do the colon surgery day on April 18. I remember pre-op when they told me I would have the spinal epidural. I was not happy with this and told them I wanted to be out enough that I do not remember anything-no talking, noise or smells. I remember being wheeled from pre-op to the surgery room but do not remember anything in the surgery room or the recovery room. The next thing I really remember is being wheeled down the hall to my room. I ate regular food for supper that evening. I did not have to get up to walk till the next morning.
My nursing care was wonderful and they helped keep on top of the pain control. Physical therapy was kind and went well. With surgery on Thursday afternoon I was asked if I was ready to leave the hospital on Saturday but I said no because I had not even been allowed to go to the bathroom by myself yet. I was allowed to stay till Sunday afternoon before being released. I was able to get out of bed and go to the bathroom alone and walk the halls with the therapist or nurse nearby.
The first week was pure hell for me. People told me "You'll be so glad you did this." or "It will be so good.". I felt that everyone had lied to me. I was mad at everyone that had this done before for not telling me it is the hardest thing I will have ever done. I will tell others that ask me that exact thing. IT IS THE HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER GONE THROUGH. Colon cancer surgery was a breeze both physically and mentally compared to total knee replacement. I would get out of bed for the bathroom, to sit in the recliner in the living room for a while and to go to physical therapy. Other than that I would lay in bed in tears. Physical pain even with the pain meds and emotional drain was just so much to me. I do not know why I was crying but I could not stop.
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10 days post total knee replacement |
That next weekend Karen left me in Wichita alone and went to the farm for our annual family reunion. I had 2 days alone and did nothing much but sleep. It was very restorative for me to have a lot of quiet alone resting time. On Monday July 29, I had a follow up appointment with the surgeon to have the 38 staples removed. I asked a lot of questions that he answered as he pulled out those little metal staples. He was very pleased with the look of the incision and with the amount of movement I had in the knee. He actually said I was doing great and was ahead of schedule with my recovery process and to return to see him in October (3 months). I was so excited to hear this.
When I got home from my doctor appointment I was putting things away in the bedroom. I had one hand on the walker and leaned over to place something on the bed and dresser. As I stood back up straight my blouse was caught on the rubber hand hold of the walker and when it released it caused me to loose my balance. As I was falling backwards instinct kicked in and I tried to catch myself and my balance, throwing myself to the side instead of straight backwards onto my butt, back and hitting my head on the door frame. I ended up against the bedroom door still on my feet but pulled my thigh muscle above the replaced knee. The pain was so intense it took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes. Oh, man, that was bad!
On Tuesday at PT my knee movement was at 1 degree on the flat and 114 degrees on the bend even with the pulled muscle . The therapist was in shock at the amount of improvement over the weekend. The PT goal in 6-12 weeks is for 0 degrees and 120 degrees. This week PT has begun working with steps strengthening the surgery knee. Today we began working on the stairs with the surgery leg to build up strength. It was sore but good. Afterwards I was tender. I also transitioned from the walker to the cane today. I am slow and very thoughtful with it at this time but that will also improve with more practice and use. It will be nice to be able to get into a store or business easier. This week I had 2 pain pills Monday before the doctor appointment, 2 pills on Tuesday before PT and 1 pill today before PT. The rest of the time I have been using the extra strength Tylenol only.
Today is 3 weeks post total knee replacement surgery. I am no longer mad at everyone who did not tell me it would be the hardest thing I'd ever done to this time. Physical therapy is not as bad as I had expected. I feel like I will get through this and be better when it is all done. I am not ready to go home but will try driving this weekend. Karen is going to work on Monday morning starting a new job so I will need to get myself to PT. It is only a few miles down the road and up a back road into Goddard to PT. I think I should be able to do that. I am not ready for Wichita traffic or to drive home yet but this will be a good start. Emotionally I am doing so much better and have not cried all week. Physically I am doing well according to the doctor and my physical therapists.
I am grateful to be doing so well. I am grateful to be through the worst part of it all. I have had some health discoveries this year and some health recoveries to get through but am doing well. I pray that as I become fully recovered that I will be stronger because of what I have gone through and to be more able to help Mom and Dad as they need more help. I would like to travel and being able to walk easier will be great. I have learned to pray more and with more intensity and purpose, to ask for the help I need to get through the tough times, and to pray with much gratitude. I have still studied "Come Follow Me" and read scriptures daily even though I did not write for the first week after surgery. I have been so blessed and am so grateful.
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