This afternoon I helped Dad back the baler into the shed. While he worked the hydraulic levers in the tractor he had me disconnect hoses between the tractor and the baler.for him. The first one came off after a few tugs. As I began to pull the second hose, I got a hydraulic oil shower from the first connector I pulled. I thought Dad was being funny & I cracked up after I jumped from the surprise. He told me that is not supposed to happen. He was not trying to be funny and kept apologizing to me. I thought it was funny. Do you suppose hydraulic oil will soften my skin?
Dad went to the house after we got everything unhooked. I mowed and transplanted mums. He does not know it yet but I even used the leaf blower and blew out the east 2/3 of the machine shed for him so he would have a clean area to work on the other tractor.
After all that I decided it was time to get rid of the oily clothes & get in the shower. Next the clothes will get a Dawn scrubbing and washed as well.
I even cooked meat loaf, baked potatoes, and apple crisp for supper. Now to clean up the kitchen.
It was a good day.
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