Monday, February 18, 2019

Health Overwhelmed

Last April I was hospitalized with blood pressure of 234/124.  All tests showed I was not having a heart attack or stroke at the time.  Medications were changed and I was referred to a cardiologist.  I chose to see Dr. Saad in Wichita since he is who Mom was seeing and we both really liked him. At the time I saw him in May my pressure was still somewhat high but was really bouncing between high & normal.  He ran some kidney sonogram & MRI because it could have some effect but all there was ok.  I went back to see him earlier this month.  My pressure was a bit high but I had not taken my morning medications that day.  After meds the pressure is normal a few hours later.  He felt that I am currently stable enough that he wants to finally do the stress test. I was to have it tomorrow but because of a winter storm advisory I have rescheduled it for February 26.  I am hoping all goes well there.  I was told that it is a chemical or nuclear test that will take 4 hours.  I am to follow up with Amanda Reid at the clinic on March 5.

Since last spring I have had problems with my right knee.  It popped as I crawled into bed one night.  After that I had pain but it did not get over being strained.  Sometimes I felt like Pinokio that my leg was not stable and loosy, goosy.  When I would turn too suddenly I'd have more pain.  Amanda ran an x-ray and referred me to an orthopedic specialist in Wichita since our other specialists are in Wichita and if anything is needed I'd do it there and stay with Karen.  Dr. Sanders said I had arthritis in the knee and there was very little cushion there.  He recommended physical therapy.  I started that in Colby but each week I got worse.  I also stepped off a bucket while helping Dad and the knee completely gave out with a huge pop.  The pain was even worse and I was thrown into a fibromyalgia flare from it all.  PT said it appeared that I had torn the meniscus and needed to be checked out further. Amanda ordered an MRI of the knee and I was the orthopedic doctor a couple weeks ago.  I was expecting a minor surgery fix.  He looked at the MRI, ran several more x-rays and gave me the news - I need a complete knee replacement.  Wow, I was not expecting that at this time.  The leg bones are bruising because of the bone on bone when walking and moving.  My knee hurts just to bend over, walk on any uneven ground, and seems to wig out at any time that I can hardly walk.  Dr. Sanders said to call him when I am ready to set things in motion to have the knee replacement.  I have talked with Karen a lot and plan to stay with her and she will get me to surgery and to PT until I am able to drive myself again.

Last Wednesday, I had my first colonoscopy.  I should have had this done 10 years ago after Mom found out she had colon cancer.  I dreaded the procedure prep so never did it.  After changing doctors to Amanda from Dr. Kuhlman (who never even brought it up to me) she is taking a good look at all issues and doing complete well woman checks and tests to get a full look at me and my physical and emotional health.  The prep was not so bad because it has changed with Dr. Kopriva from what Dr. Houston did.  She removed 2 polyps and said it was definitely time to have the test.  I had no issues following the colonoscopy and feel all is back to normal activity.  This afternoon Dr. Kopriva called me personally.  She said the biopsy on the polyps came back and the smallest of the two did show a bit of cancer.  She said she has never seen cancer in that small of a polyp but believe it is caught very early.  She wants to see me in the office next Monday to talk about the results and what we need to do next.

Cancer!?  I blanked.  I heard what she was saying and it was registering but I felt that my vision & heart & breathing & brain went on pause. After setting up my appointment and hanging up the phone, everything went off pause into fast forward.  I do not have time to have cancer and need any type of treatments.  I am helping Mom & Dad, I do not have someone to help them and help me at the same time.  I can't ask Mom & Dad to take care of me.  I have to be fine.

Right now I am not freaking out or stressing.  I have to believe that the timing of the colonoscopy was the right time to discover the cancer early enough to not have spread or to need any treatments.  If I had the test a year or two ago and everything was good I would not have had the test at this time and by the time I would have had a repeat test I could have had cancer for a length of time that would be much worse.  I have to believe that all is fine, caught in time and just need to follow up with annual colonoscopy tests for a while.  I'll know more next week.

I can't make any decisions about knee surgery until I know what is involved with the colon cancer prognosis.  Heart stress test and high blood pressure, high uncontrolled blood sugar (234 after 24 hour sugar free, food free colon prep),  knee replacement needed & cancer in colon polyp.  I feel a bit overwhelmed.  I seem to be falling apart all at once.

On top of me, I am managing all Mom & Dad's appointments.  Mom sees the oncologist for breast cancer, the cardiologist for the heart failure, the nephrologist for the kidney functions due to meds from other issues as well as her regular doctor, Amanda.  Dad is seeing a cardiologist, needs cataracts removed as well as his regular doctor, Brian.

I have faith that God has a plan for me.  I do not always know that plan but He does and that is what matters.  I know He is in control and I trust is his timing, in His plan and turn my life over to Him.  I will do all that He asks of me.  Jesus Christ is my Savior.  The Holy Ghost is my constant companion, guide & comforter when I live worthy.  I have been so blessed and am so grateful for all I have.


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