Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Shit Storm

 August 9, 2022

Abilene Machine called me at 9:44 am Tuesday, August 9.  Todd offered $7,500 and said that they could pick the tractor up in a couple weeks.  I told him I needed to contact my family. He said if anything changes to let him know and gave me his cell number.  At 10:02 I sent the following text to Cathy, Karen, Judy, Mary, Allen, Kevin, Jeff Finley (because he had looked at the tractor and had done some research into if he might want a tinker project)

“Abilene machine called me this morning with an offer of $7500.00 for Dad's tractor salvage. If anyone wants to buy it & work on yourself you can have it for that. Otherwise they will pick it up in a couple weeks.


 At 10:38 am I sent the same above text to Derrick.

At 10:21 am I sent the following text to Steve Juenemann:

“Steve,  Abilene Machine hot back with me this morning with a salvage offer of $7500.  Mom would rather sell it that try to fix it first.  Thank you so much for your help & advice. I know it took a lot of your time & we would like to pay you for that. Again, thank you.  Aunt Arvilla & Rose”

 Judy replied at 10:28 am:  “That’s Great! I would make sure Derrick gets his batteries if he decided he doesn’t want it for that.”

Kevin replied at 11:27 am:  “Thanks – I’ll let them have it.”

Cathy replied at 12:40 pm: “Sounds good to me.”

At noon I took meals I made this morning to Mom and told her about the call from Abilene Machine.  She told again she did not want to put money into the tractor to fix it and if they offered that much it was worth taking, My phone was left on the charger on my desk.   I came home from Mom’s around 3:00 pm and had a message from Steve Juenemann sent to me at 1:35 pm:

“Call me when it's convenient. Thanks

I called him at 3:33 pm and left voice mail and he called me back at 3:54. He said he would like to buy the tractor for Abilene Machine salvage price. 

At 3:36 pm I listened to my voice mail and it was Andy from Abilene Machine saying he will be in the area tomorrow, Aug 10, and was wanting to set up pickup of the tractor. 

At 3:41 pm I sent the following text to Derrick. I had not heard any reply from him regarding the earlier text.

“Abilene machine will get in area tomorrow & would like to pick up dad's tractor then. You may want to change out your new batteries with his old ones tonight.


 3:54 pm text from Derrick: “O wow ok, no time to make a decision! You inheritance chasers are rich now!  $1000 dollars a piece!  Great job

“Did grandma ok this? About to go ask her

 At 3:57 pm Jeff Finley said he decided he did not want the tractor.  This is his text to me at 4:03:  “Probably cause less problems if they bought it from the estate than me.  Do not want to cause problems.”

At 4:07 pm I replied to Derrick in text:

“Go ask her. She told me to do this.  I’m not doing this on m own.  All my siblings are in on the discussions.  We are not inheritance chasers at all. Just taking care of business once you said you do not want the tractor.  Rose”

At 4:12 pm I called Andy back telling him that I thought we had 2 weeks and a family member wanted to purchase the tractor for that.  He told me to call Todd back about it.  I immediately called Todd to back out of this mornings conversation.  He felt that we had a verbal agreement & I was backing out on that.  He did understand that I believed I had 2 weeks and it was all happening so fast.  I told him I feel town between my integrity in business and in family.  We called off the deal.  I cried after that call because I felt so bad about doing that.

At 4:49 pm Todd called me back to “through out something”,  He made a raised offer of $10,000.  I told him I needed to make one call and would get back with him in 5 minutes.  I called Steve Juenemann at 4:50 and he said to take the increased offer and he was glad to be of help in getting more money for the tractor. I called Todd back at 4:52 and said ok.

At 5:00 pm I received this text from Derrick:

“I did ask her after I got her calmed down half way to the creek!  Her exact words was that grandpa bought that for layne and she didn't know anything about it being sold!  Yes we both know grandma can forget that in 2 min, but I feel better hearing her say it to!  How the hell can you feel right about telling me that they won't be here for two weeks and giving me a min to think about it, and then telling me that they will be here in the morning and get my batteries out of it! I can't get repairs priced today, it was too late when I started!  I am considering buying it for salvage value once I know what repairs will cost!  Nobody will be showing up on my property to take a damn thing in the morning. They can come back next time and get it if it's too much to repair!

I went to Mom’s to let her know what was happening.  Judy was there.

6:00 to Derrick:  “They told me 2 weeks this morning.  This afternoon they called to pick up tomorrow because they had a truck on the area.  This has happened much quicker than anyone expected.  Rose”

Derrick’s immediate text reply to me:  “Not going to happen”

6:21 pm I texted Derrick: Yes it is.  You told me you did not want it. Rose”

6:38 pm text to me from Derrick:  You priced it at 7500 at 10:38 this morning, which is a completely different story than a week after he died when you threw your greedy little bitch fit! I need time to price repairs, like I had at 10:38 this morning! I'll send a kid over with a check right fucking now if that's what it takes for you to feel good about your greedy inheritance chasing attitude!  I'm done dealing with you and I really hope your sisters are there to pick you up when you fall!”

I saw Derrick and Layne drive to the tractor and Layne got off the Ranger and got into the tractor and right back out of it.  Judy walked down the hill but they took off heading east through the field.  I decided to pull the key from the tractor and went down to find no key in it.  They pulled the key from Dad’s tractor.  I went back to the house and told Judy she can deal with Derrick because I am too mad at that moment.  I came home and the Ranger was back at their house by coming home on the road not up the hill. 

Seeing this at 6:50 when I got home I texted Derrick:  “I need that tractor key.  Rose”

Derrick’s immediate text:  Sending a check

My response back was:  No   Rose”  Its not mine too accept but Mom’s.

Right away he respsonded to me:  Then fuck off

“You and I can go talk to grandma about it”

In the mean time Judy tried to talk to Derrick but only got to talk to Dana.  Judy then came to my house and I explained how I did not feel I could call Abilene Machine and cancel the deal a second time in one day.  I asked her if she thought it needed cancelled to call them and I gave her the phone numbers for Todd and Andy with Abilene Machine.  She left the papers on the end table and left saying I need to live in the real world.

At 8:03 pm I sent the following text to Todd with AM: 

“Todd-my nephew is throwing a fit & has taken the key out if the tractor and said hewill not allow our truck on his property to pick up the tractor that belongs to my dad.  It is an ugly scene here at the farm.  I don’t want your driver to be met with my nephews entitled attitude a& cause any trouble for your driver.  I am so upset & do not feel right about giving in to being bullied by the nephew  or causing harm to you or your driver.  We have a deal & I intent to keep it. Does he have any legal rights? I’m trying to get legal advice and want to keep you informed. Rose Juenemann  Rose”

I called & talked with Karen.  She had talked with Derrick. 

I received a call from Todd at 8:47 pm.  He agreed to hold off his driver for first thing in the morning and call me late morning to see what has transpired and if things have calmed down any in the morning.

I sent this text to Karen then to Derrick because I did not hear back from Karen right away and assumed she may be talking with Derrick more. This was sent at 9:57 pm.

“Todd with AM will have his driver hold off in the morning & will get back with me to see if family drama situation is any better late morning. I guess if Derrick will give $7500 cash not check by 11, I’ll have to call off the AM deal.  I hate going back on my work with them but for hopefully family peace I’ll do that. Rose”

I said cash only because I was afraid Derrick would not have the money for the check to clear or put a stop payment on it.

10:16 pm  Derrick texted me:  “It will only be check you greedy ass back stabbing bitch, for proof, cause I and when I'm done, NOBODY can trust your bullshit, wasn't me, I'm innocent, I never said that, I'm the fucking fairy god mother bull shit!  You are by far the most greedy self centered, all about what I get one out of all of your siblings!  I will not give you one dollar bill in cash, nor will the fucking check even come to you!

I never asked for the check or cash to come to me. I understand wanting the paper trail with a check.  My concern was if the check would clear the bank.  It is to go to Mom as it is her tractor to sell not mine. 

10:32 pm I receive this from Derrick:

“Please by all means, show this conversation to everyone so they can all see how it played out, and how you and only you went 100% against your fathers wishes for a few dollars! I know about AM offer then Steve's and then Abilene again!  Hell, I plan to post every word of this on Facebook

I did share Derrick’s texts with Karen because I just did not know why Derrick was being so nasty to me.  I did then call Allen at 10:34 pm and sent all the messages to him to read then call me back for a clearer view of what I did wrong to cause Derrick to respond like this over a tractor he told me early June he did not want and also sent Layne over 2 more times to tell me they would not be buying G-pa’s tractor and about the new tractor he was leasing instead.  My response has always been “OK. It’s your choice to make to buy or not to buy it” when nobody was asking or expecting him to even buy it when he could use it for nothing except it broke so he didn’t want it,

Why is trying to do the right thing for the right reason so hard and fought from all directions? 

A very crappy afternoon & night.


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