Sunday, January 2, 2011

Baby Quilts

When my nieces & nephews began getting married and having babies, I decided to make each one an applique baby quilt to match the theme of their nursery.  It could be used as a blanket or wall hanging.  I have so much fun coming up with a design to go with each nursery.  I have designed a sports theme quilt, a farm scene quilt, and baby doll dresses quilt.  I have also made a firetruck theme quilt from a purchased pattern called "To the Rescue" by Clair Oehler at The Country Quilter.

Yesterday was the baby shower for both Valerie & Megan.  Here are pictures of what I did.  Chris & Megan have decided to wait till the baby is born to find out it's sex.  Megan has done her nursery in brown and aqua.   The teddy bears quilt is a personal design based from a coloring page for the bear.  
Valerie & Justin farm.  Rumor was that Justin wanted to wallpaper the nursery in tractor repair manual pages so their baby boy could tear down a tractor by age 5.  Valerie was not so sure about that.  Maybe the tractor quilt will help.  I did purchase a pattern for the "One the Farm" quilt which was also designed by Claire Oehler with The Country Quilter. 

Now I have had to tell them that this is done only for their first baby--8 babies will not get 8 applique quilts.  I have 19 nieces and nephews and that would add up to a lot of applique quilts and most likely several at once as with Megan & Valerie's babies-due about a week apart.  I'm not that creative nor that fast!!

I wonder what I will do next.  What will the next nursery theme be?  We'll see.