Friday, August 23, 2019

6 weeks post knee replacement

As of yesterday I am now 6 weeks post total knee replacement.  I am doing very well.  I have extension at 0 degrees and bend at 135 degrees.  I have been at this for over a week now.  I can ride the NuStep recumbent stepper for 20 minutes and 3/4 mile with a load of 5.  I can go up and down stairs using the right leg as the stronger leg and take the steps one over the other instead of one at a time.  Physical therapy has been very pleased and say that I am more advanced in my recovery than is expected for 6 weeks post surgery.  This is great but it has also caused a bit of other problems.  My leg strength is weak and has been for a long time since fibromyalgia and then knee problems have kept me from exercise.  Also because of the quick recovery of movement, my muscles have not recovered as fast as the knee joint.  I seem to have a bit of a click in the knee cap at a certain point of bend and extension but the knee feels stable.  This causes a little tenderness around the knee cap area but nothing intense.  I have not taken pain meds for 3 weeks now.  Working on strengthening has caused some mild fibro flair-ups and my whole body feels very fatigued and achy.  I need to continue the strengthening exercises but have slowed down the intensity a little.  

My incision is healed up nicely.  I still have a tiny bit of scabbing that is working itself out but I am able to work on the incision massages to help soften it up.  Besides the outside incision there are two interior incisions that also needed to heal and be worked out.  I still have a mark on the skin on my thigh where the tourniquet was and a muscle tightness just above the incision.  The incision is no more red than the ones on my belly from the colon cancer surgery in April. Today my knee area is taped to see if that will help stabilize the clicking feeling at the bottom of the knee cap or I'd take another picture and post here.  My skin on the surgery leg is much dryer than that on the other leg but my skin is always dry.  The surgery leg has areas that the skin is peeling and flaking.  I removed the toenail polish last night and also noticed that the toenails on my surgery foot seem to have a white-ish film on them that also peels and flakes off.  My non-surgery leg and foot seem norman-no peeling and flaking.  Weird!  

I have 2 more physical therapy appointments in Goddard then I can return home.  I will follow up with PT in Colby but should only need to go once a week to make sure I am doing ok and that I am adjusting to the increase in busy home and farm life over the 'easy city life' staying at Karen's home.  I am excited to go home again.  It has been wonderful staying in Wichita because I would not have progressed this rapidly at home.  I will be hitting the ground running, so to speak, when I get home.  I will have physical therapy, dad will have doctor appointments and cataract surgery, Mom will have a doctor appointment and I will have lab and doctor appointment all within the first 3 weeks home.

I am so grateful to Karen for allowing me to move in with her for 8 weeks, have surgery and work on my recovery in Wichita.  She has taken good care of me.  I feel that I have not been any help to her but only let her take care of everything for me.  This next week I hope I can do some things to help her for a change.  I also am grateful to my siblings at home for looking in on Mom & Dad and helping them out as they needed help.  I can take over again in a week.  I have really missed not seeing them every day and knowing just how things really are around the farm.  It is nice having Mom in Wichita this week and next.

I will return to Wichita on October 25 for a follow up appointment with the knee surgeon.  We will see if I can impress him as much as I have my physical therapists.  


Thursday, August 1, 2019

Total Knee Replacement

Today is the three week mark after total knee replacement.    My orthopedic surgeon told me my knee was bone on bone even though I did not have a lot of pain.  It was hard to walk any distance (not that this was anything new) and really hard to walk anywhere that was unlevel.  Walking up and down the hill to Mom & Dad's house, walking through the house yard or the front drive or road that was uneven would cause pain.  At times I felt like the knee would go out from under me as I stepped on it or as I was standing I could feel the bones shift against each other.  That would cause a sharp pain.  I was concerned about the increase in pain with surgery since the pain level was not bad. I could sit and have absolutely no pain. I felt the knee was unreliable and that was a concern that I'd fall and actually hurt myself.

On July 11 I had a total knee replacement on my right knee.  I had this done in Wichita by Dr. Thomas Sanders with Advanced Orthopedic Associates.  You know you are getting old when your doctor looks the age of Doogie Howser.  I loved the care I received at the Kansas Surgery & Recovery Center. 

I actually do not remember as much of this surgery day as I do the colon surgery day on April 18.  I remember pre-op when they told me I would have the spinal epidural.  I was not happy with this and told them I wanted to be out enough that I do not remember anything-no talking, noise or smells.  I remember being wheeled from pre-op to the surgery room but do not remember anything in the surgery room or the recovery room.  The next thing I really remember is being wheeled down the hall to my room.  I ate regular food for supper that evening.  I did not have to get up to walk till the next morning. 

My nursing care was wonderful and they helped keep on top of the pain control.  Physical therapy was kind and went well.  With surgery on Thursday afternoon I was asked if I was ready to leave the hospital on Saturday but I said no because I had not even been allowed to go to the bathroom by myself yet.  I was allowed to stay till Sunday afternoon before being released.  I was able to get out of bed and go to the bathroom alone and walk the halls with the therapist or nurse nearby. 

The first week was pure hell for me.  People told me "You'll be so glad you did this." or "It will be so good.".  I felt that everyone had lied to me.  I was mad at everyone that had this done before for not telling me it is the hardest thing I will have ever done.  I will tell others that ask me that exact thing.  IT IS THE HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER GONE THROUGH.   Colon cancer surgery was a breeze both physically and mentally compared to total knee replacement.  I would get out of bed for the bathroom, to sit in the recliner in the living room for a while and to go to physical therapy.  Other than that I would lay in bed in tears.  Physical pain even with the pain meds and emotional drain was just so much to me.  I do not know why I was crying but I could not stop. 

10 days post total knee replacement
Over the weekend a week post surgery I began to do a little better.  Over the second week I did not cry as much, getting around was a little bit easier.  I spent more time in the recliner but laid down each afternoon.  I did the exercises given to me from physical therapy.  They hurt but I knew I had to do them if I wanted to improve.  At the end of the second week my movement was leg straight down to 4 degrees and the leg bend was at 95 degrees.  I was told that is great for only 2 weeks post surgery.  I was riding the recumbent stepper even though I was very slow and deliberate with the bend of the knee.  I also had reduced my pain meds from two pills to one each time I needed it.  I began to have a fibromyalgia flair up because I was not taking the Lyrica because the surgeon had me on Gabepentin for post surgery nerve pain.  I began taking the Lyrica again and that improved quickly.  At the end of the second week I actually began to feel like I was a human again.

That next weekend Karen left me in Wichita alone and went to the farm for our annual family reunion.  I had 2 days alone and did nothing much but sleep.  It was very restorative for me to have a lot of quiet alone resting time.  On Monday July 29, I had a follow up appointment with the surgeon to have the 38 staples removed.  I asked a lot of questions that he answered as he pulled out those little metal staples.  He was very pleased with the look of the incision and with the amount of movement I had in the knee.  He actually said I was doing great and was ahead of schedule with my recovery process and to return to see him in October (3 months).  I was so excited to hear this.

When I got home from my doctor appointment I was putting things away in the bedroom.  I had one hand on the walker and leaned over to place something on the bed and dresser.  As I stood back up straight my blouse was caught on the rubber hand hold of the walker and when it released it caused me to loose my balance.  As I was falling backwards instinct kicked in and I tried to catch myself and my balance, throwing myself to the side instead of straight backwards onto my butt, back and hitting my head on the door frame.  I ended up against the bedroom door still on my feet but pulled my thigh muscle above the replaced knee.  The pain was so intense it took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes.  Oh, man, that was bad!

On Tuesday at PT my knee movement was at 1 degree on the flat and 114 degrees on the bend even with the pulled muscle .  The therapist was in shock at the amount of improvement over the weekend.  The PT goal in 6-12 weeks is for 0 degrees and 120 degrees.  This week PT has begun working with steps strengthening the surgery knee.  Today we began working on the stairs with the surgery leg to build up strength.  It was sore but good.  Afterwards I was tender.  I also transitioned from the walker to the cane today.  I am slow and very thoughtful with it at this time but that will also improve with more practice and use.  It will be nice to be able to get into a store or business easier.  This week I had 2 pain pills Monday before the doctor appointment, 2 pills on Tuesday before PT and 1 pill today before PT.  The rest of the time I have been using the extra strength Tylenol only. 

Today is 3 weeks post total knee replacement surgery.  I am no longer mad at everyone who did not tell me it would be the hardest thing I'd ever done to this time.  Physical therapy is not as bad as I had expected.  I feel like I will get through this and be better when it is all done.  I am not ready to go home but will try driving this weekend.  Karen is going to work on Monday morning starting a new job so I will need to get myself to PT.  It is only a few miles down the road and up a back road into Goddard to PT.  I think I should be able to do that.  I am not ready for Wichita traffic or to drive home yet but this will be a good start.  Emotionally I am doing so much better and have not cried all week.  Physically I am doing well according to the doctor and my physical therapists. 

I am grateful to be doing so well.  I am grateful to be through the worst part of it all.  I have had some health discoveries this year and some health recoveries to get through but am doing well.  I pray that as I become fully recovered that I will be stronger because of what I have gone through and to be more able to help Mom and Dad as they need more help.  I would like to travel and being able to walk easier will be great.  I have learned to pray more and with more intensity and purpose, to ask for the help I need to get through the tough times, and to pray with much gratitude.  I have still studied "Come Follow Me" and read scriptures daily even though I did not write for the first week after surgery.  I have been so blessed and am so grateful.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Cancer Free

I am now 6 weeks post surgery.  Two weeks was easy.  Three weeks was easy.  I saw the surgeon.  She told me the surgery went very well.  The right side of the colon was removed along with 30 lymph nodes and my appendix.  There was a small tumor where the polyp was plastered to the inner wall of the colon that showed cancer but it had not penetrated the colon wall.  That is great news.  Also great news was that all the lymph nodes were clear of cancer.  Because of the surgery, I am now cancer free.  CANCER FREE!!  At this time the followup recommendation is repeat colonoscopy in one year.   I will also followup with my surgeon at home in another 2-3 weeks.  I can go back home to the farm. 

The next day Karen had off school so we were going to have a play day before I left Wichita to go to the farm.  We slept in and decided to run a couple errands to pick up some things to take home for Mom and Dad then eat BBQ for lunch and check out a quilt shop before going home to maybe sew the rest of the day.  Errands done, the BBQ shop was closed that we wanted to go to so we went to a Mexican restaurant close by.  It just seemed to be a let down after what we had been looking forward to.  Even the quilt shop did not have any spark.  We went home and I took a nap before packing up things and loading the car. 

Friday, May 10, I met some friends for lunch then drove to the farm.  It was nice to be home.  It was nice to see Mom & Dad again.  I really missed them especially since Dad had been in the hospital while I was in Wichita and Mom stayed in Colby at Mary's for a week.  It was hard for me to be so far away and to have to allow everyone else take care of Mom & Dad and their needs.  They are all busy in their own lives and not right here like I usually am.  I knew I had to stay in Wichita or I would have over done things around the farm and not really rested enough to fully take care of myself.  As soon as I got home I jumped right back into the routine of life on the farm.  I was glad to be home.  I really still needed at least another 3 weeks of recuperation but did not really fully do that.  Shame on me!  So glad to be home but paid the price.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Post surgery

Today I am 2 weeks post surgery for colon cancer.  On April 18 I had colon resection because of a polyp being cancer in the colon.  I went into the hospital that morning and had surgery.  I was dismissed from the hospital two days later on April 20 and Karen took me to her home to recover.

In the hospital I had a great night nurse and one great day nurse assistant.  The others were ok.  I really did not have much nurse help.  I got out of bed by myself.  I walked the halls by myself.  I asked how to get out of bed when I got home and was told to roll over but I was never shown.  I had to ask for ice water any time I wanted it as they never offered it.  I was never offered a snack between meals as being diabetic.  For having gut surgery one nurse listened for bowel sounds only one time.  The resident doctor came in to see me at 5:30 the first morning and at 2:30 the second morning.  I was not awake enough to think of any questions to ask about the surgery itself, what was done, what to expect, pathology, or anything else.  The surgeon came in once about 24 hours after I was done with surgery.  I'm not sure any of them ever listened to heart or lung sounds either.  They were more concerned that I did not get up to pee at all one night.  I actually slept through the night and barely woke up when they came in to take vitals and when the doctor came in.  My pain was down and I was out.

I was on tylenol for pain and oxy only if needed.  I think I had 3 oxy tablets only while in the hospital.  The doctor wrote a prescription for that but I did not fill it.  Tylenol is all I have used for pain since being discharged.  It is all I have needed and I have hardly used any of that since the first week.  I was on a clear liquid diet for 24 hours after surgery then put on a full regular diet.  I could order anything I wanted.  They did not put me on a heart healthy diet nor on a diabetic diet.  They did take me blood sugar readings and gave me insulin shots though. 

Saturday and Sunday after getting out of the hospital I slept a lot.  I could get out of bed by myself and I showered without any help.  By Monday I was up in the chair watching TV a big part of the day.  I was really getting around and feeling so much better right out of the hospital than I ever thought I would be.

Wednesday Emily and her girls came over to work in the yard.  I went outside and played with the girls.  It was my first outing.  We chased butterflies and picked lilacs.  We made lilac beds because we were lilac princesses. These two are the most beautiful lilac princesses, don't you think?
It was a lot of fun playing with the girls even though I sat in a lawn chair in the shade of the lilac tree most of the time.  I was really tired & hurting at the end of the afternoon and went to bed early that night.

We have to pull the petals off the flowers from the bushes to make our princess beds.


Princess Isla                                  Princess Flora                                         Even Aunt Rose gets                                                                                                                                  lilacs in her hair.

Saturday(one week after getting out of the hospital) the girls, Grandma Karen and Aunt Rose went on an outing to shop for flowers and out for lunch.  That was my first ride in the car after coming home.  After that I was ready for a 'rest' with the girls.  I was wiped out.  That was harder than chasing butterflies. 

Yesterday was Karen's retirement reception at school.  We went over to school for that.  She received some very nice gifts from her fellow teachers and co-workers.  They gave her some nice flowers, decorative flower pots, a flower pot with paper flowers with gift cards in each flower to different restaurants and one to the quilt shop.  There were other cards and one of her other retired friends even gave her $50.00 cash.  They had punch, cupcakes, and trail mix.  Someone went to a lot of work and found yearbooks for every year Karen had worked in the district and marked the pages that she was pictured in.  This was displayed on a table covered with quilts.  They definitely know her and her hobbies. She didn't really want this recognition but it really was nice.  I'm glad I was here to celebrate with her,

Today, two weeks after surgery, I made my first alone outing.  I drove for the first time.  I went to Washer Specialty to pick up an order for Cathy.  I then decided to get gas in my car and went out to lunch at Spangles.  On the way home I saw garage sale signs so I decided to follow the trails.  I stopped by four garages.  I bought a Christmas tree topper that is a shinny brass filigree star that will go perfectly with all the shinny brass filigree ornaments I have for the tree.  I paid a whopping 25 cents for it. At another garage I spent $6, $1 for a sturdy steel plant stand for outside and $5 for a step ladder with 4 steps and a tray to hold tools and paint cans.  It is metal piping base construction and heavy plastic/rubber steps.  It will be much nicer for working outside around the house than the two step kitchen stool. 

Overall, I think two weeks after surgery I am doing well.  My incisions are healing nicely.  The glue and scabs are getting loose and I having to cut off sections that are loose so that it does not catch on my clothing and pull off what is still attached and not ready to come off.  My tummy muscles are still a little tender in spots and the belly is still swollen and oddly shaped but it is tender and getting better.  I even wore regular jeans with zipper and button waist band yesterday.  Yes, they are 2 sizes larger that the pair that I wore the day I drove to Wichita.  Driving was not a problem but the rough roads, speed bumps, and potholes make me hold my tummy a bit.  What bothers me the most is my knee that needs a replacement and the opposite hip and lower back.  I think because of the one it effect the other.  That has nothing to do with the surgery so I'm good. 

I know I am not fully recovered and still need to take it easy.  I have a follow up appointment with the surgeon next week.  I did get a call from the nurse at the surgeon's office with the pathology report.  She told me that they removed 31 lymph nodes and they were all clear.  This means I am cancer free.  I will get more information on the follow up appointment.  She did mention that I will be referred to an oncologist for further followup regarding the cancer.  I hope she will let me go to Dr. Moore since Mom has seen him in the past for colon cancer and is now seeing him for breast cancer. Because of that family relationship with him as an oncologist, I would like to continue that if she thinks that would be appropriate.  After that I am hoping to be able to go back to western Kansas to the farm - to go home. 

Home!! Finish recovery. Back to regular life. Back to seeing Mom & Dad every day.  Back to helping them in whatever way I can and whatever way they need. 

I may have had a cancer diagnosis but it has been a blessing in my life.  I have felt calm and peace throughout this entire process.  I have felt that all will be ok, no matter what happens, God is in control and will take care of me through it all.  I will not be left alone.  I have felt comfort and I have felt joy. The timing of finding the malignant polyp and the size it was to everything that has happened in the meantime that lead to a heart cath showing that my heart is in much better shape than the doctors thought and having the colon surgery to find no further cancer in the colon or lymph nodes.  I have been blessed with healing.  I have been blessed with peace.  I have been blessed with an increase in faith.  I have been blessed with an increase in my testimony of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I have been blessed by the Holy Priesthood.  I have been blessed by attending the Temple, The House of the Lord.  My family has also been blessed because of what I have gone through.  My siblings have stepped in to help with our parents while I have been away from the farm and not there to do that.  Dad has been ill and in the hospital and not able to do all he has on the farm and others have had to figure out their own responsibilities.  This, too, is a blessing to our entire family.  I am so grateful for all the blessing my family and I have received through our trials over the past few months.  I know God has a plan for each of His children and I marvel at how all things work together for our good.  My heart is go full of love and joy and gratitude.  Thank you, Loving Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, Savior and Redeemer of the World.


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

In Preparation

Now it is time to prepare.  April 3 I had a follow up appointment with Dr. Saad from the heart cath.  He was pleased with the results and will follow up again with me in August when Mom and I already have appointments scheduled.  I think after that I will be able to follow up with Amanda on a regular basis and with him annually.  Mom's follow up appointment with Dr. Moore was great.  Her tumors have shrunk by half since the last PET scan and the activity level has decreased by half plus more again.  He will follow up again in August but is very pleased with her progress for only being able to take oral medication. 

Once we got back to the farm even though I had 2 weeks before returning to Wichita for surgery I actually only had 3 full days and about that many part days to get all done to feel ready to leave for 3-4 weeks again.  I worked at the library, Dad had doctor appointments, I had doctor appointments, I had chest x-rays and lab work that had to be on certain days in relationship to the surgery days, I went to Denver to the Temple and that trip had to be rescheduled at the last minute  because of a spring blizzard.  I ordered refills on all Mom & Dad's medications so they had enough to get through till I got home.  I filled all their daily medication dispensers also.  But I forgot to order my own med refills.  Dad hurt his back and could not walk and needed to go to the doctor the last day I was to be home before leaving & I wanted to take him in but he refused to let me.  Thankfully my sister, Cathy, called and told him she would be out to get him and take him in.  She stepped in when I needed her to so I could get myself ready to leave for my own medical needs.  I am grateful to her for that.  Because Dad is in so much pain and needing help, Mom decided to stay home to help him instead of coming to Wichita with me for my surgery.  Karen will take care of me while she takes care of Dad at home.

I did get everything lined out for Mom and Dad.  I did get my house in some kind of decent order.  I did get everything that I needed packed and loaded in the car.  I did get to Wichita yesterday.  I am ready to start the pre-surgery preparatory colon cleanout now.  I begin at 1 pm with antibiotics, laxative pills and Miralax drinks till 1 am.  Do you suppose I will actually get any sleep?  I will need to be up in the morning at 4:30 to shower and get ready to leave Karen's house at 5:30 for the hospital.  I'll sleep tomorrow.  I'm ready for pain medication so my knee may not hurt so badly.

The best part of all the 'preparation' has not been getting all those things ready but getting myself ready spiritually.  Throughout this entire process I have felt so blessed.  I have had a priesthood blessing the first of March when I got the call to head to Wichita and I had the whirlwind week of doctor appointments.  I have felt so much peace through the past couple months since being diagnosed with colon cancer.  The biggest preparation I insisted I was going to do was to go to Denver and attend the Temple.  I was to have blood work on Thursday, exactly one week before surgery so planned to go to the Temple after that.  I wanted to go out and spend that afternoon in the Temple and again the following morning before coming back home in the afternoon.  Nature had a different idea.  A severe winter storm was predicted to come in Wednesday evening and last through Thursday afternoon. That blood work had to be exactly one week before surgery-not a day earlier or later.  Monday night I look at the weather and decided to go to the Temple Tuesday and come back Wednesday and stay in Colby with my sister, Mary, so I would be in town to get the blood work done Thursday.  Good planning.  Overall the plan worked.  I enjoyed the time with Mary.  It had been a very long time since we have actually sat down and spent that kind of time together just talking and being together.  I loved it.

I arrived at the Temple semi fasting.  I had Glucerna shakes for breakfast and lunch but no food.  I was feeling at peace and with a grateful heart because of all the blessings I have received throughout the past couple months with all that has been going on with my health issues.  Not only the health issues but within my family also.  Allen fell through a ceiling shattering his heal and breaking his back yet not needing surgery for either and will have a full recovery.  My sisters are stepping up to help Mom and Dad more with their health care and other needs while I am not as readily available to do so while I need to take care of some of my own health issues.  Karen is so willing to help me through the surgery and allow me to stay with her while I recuperate until I am ready to go home and restart farm & family life again.  I am so blessed and grateful for my family.  I wanted to serve in the Temple as a way of expressing that gratitude.

As I came out of the changing room a Temple worker commented that I looked so peaceful.  I was surprised that she would notice or comment on that.  I never thought that those inner feelings showed through me.  I guess the light of Christ really does shine through those that believe in Him.  I briefly explained why I was there. She gave me a big hug and said she was sure I would be healed.  I asked how I could be best serve. I did an endowment session, an initiatory session of 5 names, then another endowment session.  I was able to help 7 people on the other side of the vail that day.  It was a wonderful day.

Sunday after church, Brother Mitchell came up to me before I even had a chance to go to him and asked me if I could like a blessing before going to Wichita for surgery.  He said he would get Brother Peptis to help also.  I told him I was planning to ask him for a blessing and would really like that.  Through the priesthood which they hold, I received a beautiful blessing of healing.

Today I am calm.  I am at peace.  I am filled with gratitude.  I know God has a plan for me.  I trust in His plan.  As I have surgery on Holy Thursday I know I will be blessed.  Jesus Christ suffered all things as He made an atoning sacrifice for our sins and afflictions.  He suffered, died and rose again.  He lives.  I am grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost, the comforter. 


Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Blessing upon Blessing

I should have updated this sooner but have still been spinning in that whirlwind.  The day after I wrote last I did see Dr. Lindsay Strader, the colorectal surgeon that Dr. Kopriva referred me to.  I really liked her. She had already seen my medical records and talked to Dr. Kopriva.  The plan is to do a colon resection.  That involved removing the right side of the large intestine.  I should not need a bag even for a short time.  The surgery should be able to be done through 4 small laparoscopic incisions but would still require 4-6 weeks recovery time. 

She asked about the lesion on the lung and I told her Dr. Saad had me set up with a pulmonologist.  She did not see this as a priority at this time.  She said this type of lesion is usually benign and as small as this one is rarely even biopsied.

Now there is a problem - the heart function when under stress.  The stress test is nothing compared to the stress that the heart will be under during anesthetic and surgery.  My heart needs fixed before having surgery.  We discussed my appointment with Dr. Saad on Monday.  She said there is another type of stent that is not as effective that can be put in that will only need blood thinners for one month instead of one year.  She will contact Dr. Saad to determine what can be done to protect me from heart attack during surgery.  She has scheduled me for surgery for April 18 at Wesley Hospital.  Check in at 6:00 am.  Lab work on Thursday April 11-exactly one week before surgery.  Need to take antibiotics same day as bowel prep on April 17.  I was given instruction sheet for that as well.

Karen & I were going out to eat lunch and were only 4 blocks from Dr. Strader's office when Dr. Elkhardbotly's office called to tell me I had an appointment with him this afternoon at 1:45.  We had just enough time to eat and get to his office for the appointment.  He is the cardiologist that does the heart cath procedures. 

As we were leaving the restaurant I received a call from Ascension Via Christi wanting demographic information for Dr. Elkhardbotly admission.  I said I was on my was to his office and could give it then since I was driving.  She said it was for my hospital admission for tomorrow morning.  What?  OK.  I pulled over and answered her questions then went on to my appointment.

Dr. Elkhardbotly told me there is a bare metal stent which is less effective than the drug medicated stent but it will only require blood thinners for one month so I can have the surgery for the colon cancer which is the number one priority at this time.  He had me scheduled already for the following morning at St. Francis Hospital and was to check in at 7:30.  I was given an instruction sheet for preparation and told to come prepared for an overnight stay if a stent was inserted and sent for pre-op blood work.

Well, this is to be happening at the same time I am to be seeing Dr. Awwad, the pulmonologist.  I talked to his scheduler and after explaining to them what was happening and me feeling so overwhelmed I asked if I could just put this appointment on hold for a while until I have a better grasp on what is happening and she agreed that maybe that would be best for now.  One less thing to worry about at this time.

Can you see why I feel like I am caught in a whirlwind?

The next morning I checked into the hospital for a heart cath expecting to receive a heart stent in order to get adequate blood flow to the front of my heart, spend the night in the hospital, take a month of blood thinners based on what 4 doctors told me after reading the stress test report.  When the heart cath was over the doctor told me that my heart is strong, there is only a 20% blockage to the front of my heart which is really good so I did not need a stent.  I am good for the colon surgery.  Oh, my goodness.  What a blessing!  Either there was a false positive result on the stress test or, even better, I have received a great blessing from the Lord in healing.  I was discharged from the hospital a few hours later with a very grateful heart. 

I was to take it easy and rest for the next few days.  I felt worn out from the anesthetic and my arm was tender. I was not to take certain medications until I heard back from the doctor's office after blood work again the following day.  I had the blood work done but it was Friday afternoon.  I did not hear back from them that afternoon so I was off the meds all weekend.  As the weekend went on I felt worse.  Sunday I felt terrible.  I hurt all over like I was having a fibromyalgia flair-up and the beginning of kidney stones and pleurisy.  Kevin & Donna came to Wichita from Kansas City to visit.  It was so nice of them and I was sorry I felt so terrible and was not so social.

I still had not heard from the doctor office by 10:00 Monday so I called them.  I did not want to head back to western Kansas until I knew that I did not need more blood work and that all was well.  I did not get any results or information from Dr. Elkhardbotly's staff but finally got ahold of  Dr. Saad's nurse and she said I could start my medications again and go home.  I was so glad to get to go home.  Later in the day I got another call from her saying Dr. Saad wanted me to have blood work again in a week at home and she would send me the lab orders to take in to the local lab and they can then fax the results to Dr. Saad.  I have a followup appointment with him April 1.

I am so glad to be home.  I thought things would be a bit calmer which I guess they have been.  It has been wet and muddy--so muddy. Water even ran in the creek and the road washed out at the corner west of my house the weekend before I got home from Wichita.  It seems I have either had something going on each day or I was so tired all I could do was sleep.  Then I seem to be so frustrated with all the mess and all the stuff.  Macie came over one day and cooked so I spent most of one night cleaning off every surface in the bathroom and kitchen and scrubbing everything down with clorox. That started something.  I am now cleaning out my bedroom closet.  I have taken out 2 boxes of clothing and have yet to go through slacks.  I also have taken a huge sack of pillows and reorganized blanket tubs and dressers and chests.  I have a bigger mess there right now.  I have a large tub of items that will be for the summer reunion bingo that has also come from the closet.  Imaging what I will get out of my house if I continue in this attitude.  It would be nice and another blessing.

I had to do a pharmacy medication review for insurance this week and I was so frustrated.  As I went over them with Christie, my pharmacist, we talked about all I found out from my research about the new drugs the doctor wants me on for the diabetes and what drug prices are even with the insurance.  I have 18 prescriptions that I am taking.  She said that it looks like some are treating side effects of others.  She, too, feels that my medication list looks overwhelming and feels something should change for my own well being.  I told her I plan to talk to each doctor as my next appointment come up to see what we can do to make improvements in this situation.  I can't afford this - financially nor healthwise.

I feel caught in this whirlwind but I know God is in it with me.  From the very beginning of this whole whirlwind I have felt blessed.

This afternoon I went to the mailbox.  I only do this once or maybe twice a week.  I had a letter from The Sheridan County Benefit Walk Committee out of Hoxie (whatever that is, I didn't know).  I opened it and found a letter explaining they raise money in order to assist local families who are facing health care challenges or life altering situations.  This is not based on financial need but is because the community cares.  It included a monetary donation/gift check for $1,000.00.  I am stunned!! I really have not talked to anyone in the community about the stress test results, heart cath, or cancer diagnosis.  My family has been told but not really anyone much beyond that.  How do they get their information?  How do they know?  I got a card from the Selden Sacred Heart Catholic Church Alter Society last week also.  Mom has not been going to their meetings lately because she has not been feeling up to going out on her own.  Mom said she has received money from this committee in the past also.  This is another blessing.

Mary called me yesterday to find out when all our (Mom, Dad & my) appointments were and what she could do to help to take care of them.  She was planning to take Dad to his eye appointment in Hays at the end of April but wanted to know if there was anything else she could do to help while I am recuperating and taking care of my own health problems and getting stronger again.  Judy has also said she would do whatever is needed to help us all out while I am putting my own health first for now.  I have asked Cathy to go with Dad to his appointment with Brian at the end of April while I am still in Wichita after surgery and Mary & Judy are working.  Her schedule is more flexible with advanced planning.  Karen will be helping me since I will be recuperating after surgery at her house.

On another note, Allen fell through an attic 9 feet to a garage floor last week and shattered his heel and has a compression fracture at the T12 vertebra in his back.  He found out Thursday that the heel is mostly compressed and in line so he will not need surgery and it should heal ok and he is in a back brace and should also heal without surgery.  He is recuperating at home but will be off work at least 6 weeks.  Sundee is taking care of him and when she works at the hospital on the weekend, Chris and Donnell come by every few hours to check in on him and take care of his needs.  He is blessed as well.

I have said from the very beginning of this whirlwind of tests and results and appointments and new doctors and more tests and upcoming surgeries and whatever more surprises that are in store that it is all a blessing.  I am blessed.  I have been blessed in the timing of the colonoscopy and the size of the polyp and the early stage of the cancer found.  If I had done the test a year or two ago and been cleared for another 5 years, the cancer would have grown for 3-4 years before being discovered.  This is a great blessing.  To have the extremely high blood pressure nearly a year ago and not have a heart attack or stroke was a great blessing.  To not have a stress test till now was another great blessing.  To have a heart cath to find that my heart is strong and healthy for surgery is, again, another great blessing.  As I prepare for colon surgery, I fully trust it will be only a formality to know that I am clear of any further cancer of the colon at this time and all is well.  The monetary gift received will help cover medical travel expenses which is another blessing in a long line of blessings. 

I am grateful to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for all the blessings I have received.  I am grateful for the comfort of the Holy Ghost.  I can endure all things with them by my side.  I know God has a plan for me.  I trust in that plan.


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Health Whirlwind

Since finding out that I had a colon polyp with cancer, my life has been thrown into a whirlwind.  I had a followup appointment with Dr. Kopriva on February 25 and was told that the best treatment at this time is to have a colon resection to remove the area where the polyp was attached to make sure there is no cancer in the colon wall.  She said she could do the surgery but because of the relationship I already have with some Wichita doctors she would rather I have the surgery done there.  She has worked with many of the doctors and she knew each one that we have been seeing with Mom. 

The first step would be to make sure I am a candidate for surgery.  I already had fasting blood work and a stress test scheduled for the next day, Tuesday.  She added a cancer marker test to the blood work and said she would consult with Dr. Saad after the stress test.  She also ordered a CT scan from neck to knees to check for any further internal problems. 

Friday, March 1, was my 62nd birthday and I got a morning wake up call from Amanda Reid. She told me that the results from the stress test came back and there is something wrong in the front of my heart and she already had an appointment made for me with Dr. Saad in Wichita for Monday, March 4 at 10:00.  She wanted me to pick up a disc of the stress test to take with me and to get to Wichita before the weekend winter storm arrived.

I made arrangements with Karen and she called Mary to make arrangements with her to take Dad to his doctor appointment in Hays on Monday.  Dad fixed the flat tire on my car.  I did a load of laundry and packed and Mom & I went to Colby to get the disc and drive to Wichita yet on Friday.  I called my home & visiting ministers, the Mitchell's, and made arrangements for a priesthood blessing before I left. 

Monday morning I saw Dr. Saad.  He said we could treat my heart with some medication for a few weeks and see how that works and then plan on a heart cath or I could skip the medication therapy and go straight to the cath.  Get it done & not waste time experimenting was my choice.  Then he looked at the bloodwork & CT scan done last week.  He immediately called an endocrinologist, Dr. Mortada, and got an appointment to have me seen as soon as I was done seeing him.  When he heard the CT scan was done because cancer was found in a polyp removed during a colonoscopy he said he could not do the heart cath until the cancer was resolved.  Having a heart cath and if a stint was put in I could not have any surgery for a year.  His recommendation was to contact an oncologist and get the cancer taken care of first of all before anything else.  He noticed that the CT showed a lesion in the upper left lung so he is also sending me to a pulmonologist to check this out this week.  He also added 2 medications to what I am already taking for the heart at this time.

I then went to see Dr. Mortada for diabetes.  He said some of the A1C jump from 9.3 to 10 could be because I had a steroid injection in my knee a month ago.  He changed some of my medications and added 3 more.  Two are very expensive.  It appears one that he wants me to take is not even covered on my insurance plan and may cost $475/month.  With all the other meds I am taking it looks like I can plan on $400/mo average for just the other meds even with prescription insurance.  To add the $325/month insurance costs to it all I will only have $300 a month for tithing, food, auto, household, and any other expenses needed to live.  I am stressed, to say the least.

I called Dr. Kopriva to let her know what Dr. Saad had to say and to see what she wanted me to do next? I got a call from her nurse, Sara, that Dr. Kopriva has referred me to Dr. Lindsay Strader for colorectal surgery for the colon cancer.  I see her tomorrow, Wednesday.  I will see Dr. Awwad, the pulmonologist, with breathing test before the appointment on Thursday. 

I am doing ok as long as I do not see or talk to anyone.  I am easily irritated about everything and have no sense of humor about anything at this time.  I do not want to hear what everyone else and their dog has gone through with heart, diabetic, or cancer issues.  Each person is different.  What works for one, something else will work for another and some do not find what works for them.  I have enough stress and anxiety that I am trying to keep in check (as poorly as that happens to be) that I do not want to hear or deal with other people's stories right now.  I do not really want anyone to know but feel I need to keep my family in the loop.  I do not want anyone else at church or in the community to know what is going on at this time because I feel I need to deal with it all myself first.

Mom is in Wichita with me.  Karen has insisted on taking time off school to go with me to the doctor appointments.  I'm sure it is good and I know she means well and wants to help me.  I am grateful for that but still feel I should be able to do it all by myself since I take care of all this for Mom & Dad. I guess I am being stubborn (well, I am a Juenemann, after all) and prideful.  I need to work on these character flaws.

I feel as if I am falling apart all at once.  I am grateful Amanda is doing complete medical work ups on my because it has been several years since a doctor has done more than blow off any concerns let alone initiate any tests other that to draw blood.  But I am feeling overwhelmed.

I know God has a plan and is in control.  I trust in that and trust that the treatments and procedures to be done will be what is best for me.  I have confidence in the doctors I am seeing as well.   I want to be healthy enough to take care of and to help Mom & Dad as they are aging.


Monday, February 18, 2019

Health Overwhelmed

Last April I was hospitalized with blood pressure of 234/124.  All tests showed I was not having a heart attack or stroke at the time.  Medications were changed and I was referred to a cardiologist.  I chose to see Dr. Saad in Wichita since he is who Mom was seeing and we both really liked him. At the time I saw him in May my pressure was still somewhat high but was really bouncing between high & normal.  He ran some kidney sonogram & MRI because it could have some effect but all there was ok.  I went back to see him earlier this month.  My pressure was a bit high but I had not taken my morning medications that day.  After meds the pressure is normal a few hours later.  He felt that I am currently stable enough that he wants to finally do the stress test. I was to have it tomorrow but because of a winter storm advisory I have rescheduled it for February 26.  I am hoping all goes well there.  I was told that it is a chemical or nuclear test that will take 4 hours.  I am to follow up with Amanda Reid at the clinic on March 5.

Since last spring I have had problems with my right knee.  It popped as I crawled into bed one night.  After that I had pain but it did not get over being strained.  Sometimes I felt like Pinokio that my leg was not stable and loosy, goosy.  When I would turn too suddenly I'd have more pain.  Amanda ran an x-ray and referred me to an orthopedic specialist in Wichita since our other specialists are in Wichita and if anything is needed I'd do it there and stay with Karen.  Dr. Sanders said I had arthritis in the knee and there was very little cushion there.  He recommended physical therapy.  I started that in Colby but each week I got worse.  I also stepped off a bucket while helping Dad and the knee completely gave out with a huge pop.  The pain was even worse and I was thrown into a fibromyalgia flare from it all.  PT said it appeared that I had torn the meniscus and needed to be checked out further. Amanda ordered an MRI of the knee and I was the orthopedic doctor a couple weeks ago.  I was expecting a minor surgery fix.  He looked at the MRI, ran several more x-rays and gave me the news - I need a complete knee replacement.  Wow, I was not expecting that at this time.  The leg bones are bruising because of the bone on bone when walking and moving.  My knee hurts just to bend over, walk on any uneven ground, and seems to wig out at any time that I can hardly walk.  Dr. Sanders said to call him when I am ready to set things in motion to have the knee replacement.  I have talked with Karen a lot and plan to stay with her and she will get me to surgery and to PT until I am able to drive myself again.

Last Wednesday, I had my first colonoscopy.  I should have had this done 10 years ago after Mom found out she had colon cancer.  I dreaded the procedure prep so never did it.  After changing doctors to Amanda from Dr. Kuhlman (who never even brought it up to me) she is taking a good look at all issues and doing complete well woman checks and tests to get a full look at me and my physical and emotional health.  The prep was not so bad because it has changed with Dr. Kopriva from what Dr. Houston did.  She removed 2 polyps and said it was definitely time to have the test.  I had no issues following the colonoscopy and feel all is back to normal activity.  This afternoon Dr. Kopriva called me personally.  She said the biopsy on the polyps came back and the smallest of the two did show a bit of cancer.  She said she has never seen cancer in that small of a polyp but believe it is caught very early.  She wants to see me in the office next Monday to talk about the results and what we need to do next.

Cancer!?  I blanked.  I heard what she was saying and it was registering but I felt that my vision & heart & breathing & brain went on pause. After setting up my appointment and hanging up the phone, everything went off pause into fast forward.  I do not have time to have cancer and need any type of treatments.  I am helping Mom & Dad, I do not have someone to help them and help me at the same time.  I can't ask Mom & Dad to take care of me.  I have to be fine.

Right now I am not freaking out or stressing.  I have to believe that the timing of the colonoscopy was the right time to discover the cancer early enough to not have spread or to need any treatments.  If I had the test a year or two ago and everything was good I would not have had the test at this time and by the time I would have had a repeat test I could have had cancer for a length of time that would be much worse.  I have to believe that all is fine, caught in time and just need to follow up with annual colonoscopy tests for a while.  I'll know more next week.

I can't make any decisions about knee surgery until I know what is involved with the colon cancer prognosis.  Heart stress test and high blood pressure, high uncontrolled blood sugar (234 after 24 hour sugar free, food free colon prep),  knee replacement needed & cancer in colon polyp.  I feel a bit overwhelmed.  I seem to be falling apart all at once.

On top of me, I am managing all Mom & Dad's appointments.  Mom sees the oncologist for breast cancer, the cardiologist for the heart failure, the nephrologist for the kidney functions due to meds from other issues as well as her regular doctor, Amanda.  Dad is seeing a cardiologist, needs cataracts removed as well as his regular doctor, Brian.

I have faith that God has a plan for me.  I do not always know that plan but He does and that is what matters.  I know He is in control and I trust is his timing, in His plan and turn my life over to Him.  I will do all that He asks of me.  Jesus Christ is my Savior.  The Holy Ghost is my constant companion, guide & comforter when I live worthy.  I have been so blessed and am so grateful for all I have.
