Wednesday, April 17, 2019

In Preparation

Now it is time to prepare.  April 3 I had a follow up appointment with Dr. Saad from the heart cath.  He was pleased with the results and will follow up again with me in August when Mom and I already have appointments scheduled.  I think after that I will be able to follow up with Amanda on a regular basis and with him annually.  Mom's follow up appointment with Dr. Moore was great.  Her tumors have shrunk by half since the last PET scan and the activity level has decreased by half plus more again.  He will follow up again in August but is very pleased with her progress for only being able to take oral medication. 

Once we got back to the farm even though I had 2 weeks before returning to Wichita for surgery I actually only had 3 full days and about that many part days to get all done to feel ready to leave for 3-4 weeks again.  I worked at the library, Dad had doctor appointments, I had doctor appointments, I had chest x-rays and lab work that had to be on certain days in relationship to the surgery days, I went to Denver to the Temple and that trip had to be rescheduled at the last minute  because of a spring blizzard.  I ordered refills on all Mom & Dad's medications so they had enough to get through till I got home.  I filled all their daily medication dispensers also.  But I forgot to order my own med refills.  Dad hurt his back and could not walk and needed to go to the doctor the last day I was to be home before leaving & I wanted to take him in but he refused to let me.  Thankfully my sister, Cathy, called and told him she would be out to get him and take him in.  She stepped in when I needed her to so I could get myself ready to leave for my own medical needs.  I am grateful to her for that.  Because Dad is in so much pain and needing help, Mom decided to stay home to help him instead of coming to Wichita with me for my surgery.  Karen will take care of me while she takes care of Dad at home.

I did get everything lined out for Mom and Dad.  I did get my house in some kind of decent order.  I did get everything that I needed packed and loaded in the car.  I did get to Wichita yesterday.  I am ready to start the pre-surgery preparatory colon cleanout now.  I begin at 1 pm with antibiotics, laxative pills and Miralax drinks till 1 am.  Do you suppose I will actually get any sleep?  I will need to be up in the morning at 4:30 to shower and get ready to leave Karen's house at 5:30 for the hospital.  I'll sleep tomorrow.  I'm ready for pain medication so my knee may not hurt so badly.

The best part of all the 'preparation' has not been getting all those things ready but getting myself ready spiritually.  Throughout this entire process I have felt so blessed.  I have had a priesthood blessing the first of March when I got the call to head to Wichita and I had the whirlwind week of doctor appointments.  I have felt so much peace through the past couple months since being diagnosed with colon cancer.  The biggest preparation I insisted I was going to do was to go to Denver and attend the Temple.  I was to have blood work on Thursday, exactly one week before surgery so planned to go to the Temple after that.  I wanted to go out and spend that afternoon in the Temple and again the following morning before coming back home in the afternoon.  Nature had a different idea.  A severe winter storm was predicted to come in Wednesday evening and last through Thursday afternoon. That blood work had to be exactly one week before surgery-not a day earlier or later.  Monday night I look at the weather and decided to go to the Temple Tuesday and come back Wednesday and stay in Colby with my sister, Mary, so I would be in town to get the blood work done Thursday.  Good planning.  Overall the plan worked.  I enjoyed the time with Mary.  It had been a very long time since we have actually sat down and spent that kind of time together just talking and being together.  I loved it.

I arrived at the Temple semi fasting.  I had Glucerna shakes for breakfast and lunch but no food.  I was feeling at peace and with a grateful heart because of all the blessings I have received throughout the past couple months with all that has been going on with my health issues.  Not only the health issues but within my family also.  Allen fell through a ceiling shattering his heal and breaking his back yet not needing surgery for either and will have a full recovery.  My sisters are stepping up to help Mom and Dad more with their health care and other needs while I am not as readily available to do so while I need to take care of some of my own health issues.  Karen is so willing to help me through the surgery and allow me to stay with her while I recuperate until I am ready to go home and restart farm & family life again.  I am so blessed and grateful for my family.  I wanted to serve in the Temple as a way of expressing that gratitude.

As I came out of the changing room a Temple worker commented that I looked so peaceful.  I was surprised that she would notice or comment on that.  I never thought that those inner feelings showed through me.  I guess the light of Christ really does shine through those that believe in Him.  I briefly explained why I was there. She gave me a big hug and said she was sure I would be healed.  I asked how I could be best serve. I did an endowment session, an initiatory session of 5 names, then another endowment session.  I was able to help 7 people on the other side of the vail that day.  It was a wonderful day.

Sunday after church, Brother Mitchell came up to me before I even had a chance to go to him and asked me if I could like a blessing before going to Wichita for surgery.  He said he would get Brother Peptis to help also.  I told him I was planning to ask him for a blessing and would really like that.  Through the priesthood which they hold, I received a beautiful blessing of healing.

Today I am calm.  I am at peace.  I am filled with gratitude.  I know God has a plan for me.  I trust in His plan.  As I have surgery on Holy Thursday I know I will be blessed.  Jesus Christ suffered all things as He made an atoning sacrifice for our sins and afflictions.  He suffered, died and rose again.  He lives.  I am grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost, the comforter. 


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