Wednesday, September 30, 2015

2015 Row By Row Experience - H2O

When I was in Wichita in July, Karen and I went to the quilt shops to pick up free row patterns for the 2015 Row by Row.  The program runs during the summer in Canada and the United States.  Participating quilt shops design a 9 x 36" row pattern and give them away to those that come into their shop and ask for it.  You can also purchase a fabric kit for the pattern if you want it.  The first person to bring in a finished quilt of 8 rows or more into a participating shop wins a prize of a fat quarter pack.  If that store's row is in the quilt, a second prize is awarded.  This prize varies by store.  When Karen came here, we went to Oberlin to get their block.  I fell in love with the barn and fishing pond of that "Fishin'"  block.  It was applique and embroidery.  I purchased their last year block that was of a covered wagon with fall features called "Home, home on the Range".  I thought I'd make these two blocks into a small wall hanging. 
In September I went to Karen's again with another block from the Oakley & Stockton quilt shops that she wanted.  Karen had several rows made and was in the process of a few more.  I decided to make these two rows just for fun.  As I did these I made a few more while Karen was in school during the day.  I ended up with 8 rows.  Karen kept telling me Oberlin shop had not had a winner yet and encouraged me to pet my quilt together and take it in so I could win the prize if I was the first one.  I could not imaging doing that but finally agreed to give it a try.  If nothing else I would have a finished quilt project this summer. 

When I got home I did all the embroidery on the Oberlin row then pieced the quilt top together.  I quilted it on Mom's long arm quilting machine then put on the binding.  Last Saturday I took it into Country Quilting & Keepsakes quilt shop in Oberlin.  I am that store winner.  As a prize I received a 25 piece fat quarter and as the extra prize for having their block in my quilt I was given another 21 fat quarters that made a complete set of fat quarters from a collection.  What a wonderful gift!! That is over $160 value.  Norma Carman, owner of the quilt shop, asked if they could display the quilt in the store for a while.  They are participating in a quilt shop hop with other shops in northwest Kansas.  She would like to keep it at least through that.  The Row by Row ends October 31 so I think I'll pick up my quilt after that.  I have had many nice comments on the Kansas Row By Row Facebook page and from those that have seen the quilt.  
Hanging in Country Quilting & Keepsakes in Oberlin, KS
46 Fat quarter prize

Quilting Treasures Blenders collection
Karen is sending me her Row by Row quilt to have it quilted then I'll send it back to her.  She said as of this weekend one Hutchinson store does not have a finished quilt turned it.  Maybe she can win a prize for her quilt also.  It has been fun working on this project with her.  Thanks, Karen, for all your encouragement.  Also thanks to all the quilt shops that participate in this program. It was fun.

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