Monday, May 19, 2014


I have been watering my yard lately and today while the water was running on the west side of my house, I looked out the sewing room window and saw birds.  There were 5 little American Goldfinch birds playing in the shade of the big tree in the sprinkler.  They were so cute.  There were several robins as well and one that looked mostly like a robin but its tummy was as gold as these.  I only saw it twice then it flew north over the shed.  There were also some sparrows, a couple shiny black birds and a blue jay enjoying the water.  A robin was splashing and splashing in a tiny puddle at the base of one of the trees.  I went outside to move the water further north and I love listening to all the bird sounds and songs.  One even sounded like a kur-plunk in water but I could see him high up in a tree.  I really enjoy watching nature.


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